Fall Writing Frenzy Contest 2021

Fall Writing Frenzy Contest 2021

Fall is here! I’m welcoming the change with a new story I wrote for The Fall Writing Frenzy Contest. I loved writing this piece and I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a comment — I’d love to hear from you!

Thank you to, Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez and Lydia Lukidis and Ameerah Holliday, for this wonderful opportunity. Thank you to the donors for your generosity.

And thank you to my critique partners for your feedback and support.

Rules: Maximum 200 words. Image prompts provided.

Fall- Credit: Vino Li / Unsplash


By Rosanna Montanaro
187 Words

You wait for me each day.
I smile. 
Hi, daddy.

My little deuce coupe, 
you say, from your bed.
Play my music!

Beethoven and Beach Boys,
Moonlight Sonata and Moon Dawg.
Life is both, you sing, 
and everything in between!

Show me! I’d say,
when I was young, wrapped in your arms.
You loved to point and call out,
La luna!

Sitting next to you, 
on the piano bench,
the metronome counted the beats.
Tock. Tock. Tock. 
Soothing me, like a lullaby.
I’d watch you play,
skilled fingers sliding across the keys.

Now your gifted hands
are placed in mine.

I dance in the hospital room.
I dance for you, daddy.

You say to the nurse,
She’s my world. 
She’s my little deuce coupe,
and she’s showing me the moon.

Speed up.
Slow down.
I collect the songs,
the soundtrack of our lives.

Counting beats.
Tock. Tock. Tock.
Maestro, don’t go.

My little deuce coupe.
You say it one last time.

I step outside the hospital.
The silvery clouds
the moon.

In tears, I bravely say,
La luna!
Bravo, maestro.
Bravo, daddy.

42 Comments on “Fall Writing Frenzy Contest 2021

  1. Congratulations on this amazingly beautiful piece. I could feel every word and appreciated your perfect selection – ‘the soundtrack of our lives’ really hit me. This is very special.

    • Thank you Chris! I’m so glad it resonated. I appreciate your words so much! Thanks again 🙂

  2. Oh, you pulled my heartstrings and left them aching at the end. What a beautiful poem.

    • Aww, Melissa! Hope it was a good cry! Thank you for reading! Appreciate this so much!

  3. So beautiful! All those evocative images, lovely word choices, and such a pleasant forward movement throughout. I so enjoyed reading this, Rosanna.

  4. This was lovely! I believe you will touch many with your story. You touched me:)

    • Carrie, I appreciate this so much – especially coming from you! Thanks so much for reading!